Alan Lima
Alan Lima Asks: superbadge apex specialist
I'm running into this error when trying to validate the first superbadge challenge: "Closing a Maintenance Request of type 'Routine Maintenance' or 'Repair' did not join the new Maintenance Request with the correct equipment. The challenge is expecting the new Maintenance Request to be joined to the same Equipment as the closed Maintenance Request.". Checking the logs, I saw that it goes through two stages normally and bumps into the third, bursting an error in the assert, expecting 2 and current 0
I'm running into this error when trying to validate the first superbadge challenge: "Closing a Maintenance Request of type 'Routine Maintenance' or 'Repair' did not join the new Maintenance Request with the correct equipment. The challenge is expecting the new Maintenance Request to be joined to the same Equipment as the closed Maintenance Request.". Checking the logs, I saw that it goes through two stages normally and bumps into the third, bursting an error in the assert, expecting 2 and current 0
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