[Solved] How do I export VB form that also has a multi-tab form to PDF


Yash Pisat

Yash Pisat Asks: How do I export VB form that also has a multi-tab form to PDF
I have a form "Form1" and a mulitab form "Tabs". There is a next button on Form1, after cliking on that button, multitab form opens. On the last tab of multitab form, I have save button. After clicking on that, PDF is generated. Problem is , 13 pages pdf is generated and it captures the Form1 and last tab of the multitab form. I want to capture the first 11 tabs of the Tabs form too.

Imports System.Drawing.Imaging 
Imports System.IO 
Imports System.Threading 
Imports iText.IO.Image 
Imports iText.Kernel.Pdf 
Imports iText.Layout

Public Class Form1 Private form1Screenshot As Image
Private Sub createCustomerButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim tabsForm As New Tabs
    AddHandler tabsForm.SaveButtonClick, AddressOf Tabs_SaveButtonClickHandler
End Sub

Private Sub CaptureAndSaveScreenshot()
    ' Capture screenshot of Form1
    form1Screenshot = New Bitmap(Me.Width, Me.Height)
    Using graphics As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(form1Screenshot)
        graphics.CopyFromScreen(Me.PointToScreen(Point.Empty), Point.Empty, Me.Size)
    End Using
End Sub

Private Function CaptureTabsScreenshots() As List(Of Image)
    Dim screenshots As New List(Of Image)()

    ' Create an instance of the Tabs form
    Using tabsForm As New Tabs
        'tabsForm.AddTabPages() ' Add tab pages to the Tabs form


        ' Iterate over each tab in the Tabs form
        For i As Integer = 0 To tabsForm.TabControl.TabCount - 1
            Dim tabPage As TabPage = tabsForm.TabControl.TabPages(i)

            ' Select the tab and refresh the TabControl
            tabsForm.TabControl.SelectedTab = tabPage

            ' Print the name of the selected tab
            Dim selectedTabName As String = tabPage.Text
            MessageBox.Show("Selected Tab: " & selectedTabName)

            ' Capture the screenshot of the selected tab
            Dim tabScreenshot As Image = New Bitmap(tabsForm.TabControl.Width, tabsForm.TabControl.Height)
            Using graphics As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(tabScreenshot)
                graphics.CopyFromScreen(tabsForm.TabControl.SelectedTab.PointToScreen(Point.Empty), Point.Empty, tabsForm.TabControl.SelectedTab.Size)
            End Using

        ' Print the total tab count
        Dim tabCount As Integer = tabsForm.TabControl.TabCount
        MessageBox.Show("Total Tab Count: " & tabCount.ToString())
    End Using

    Return screenshots
End Function

Private Sub CreatePdfFromScreenshots(screenshots As List(Of Image), outputPath As String)
    Using pdfWriter As PdfWriter = New PdfWriter(outputPath)
        Using pdfDocument As PdfDocument = New PdfDocument(pdfWriter)
            Using document As Document = New Document(pdfDocument)
                For Each screenshot As Image In screenshots
                    Using memoryStream As New MemoryStream()
                        screenshot.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Png)
                        Dim imageData As ImageData = ImageDataFactory.Create(memoryStream.ToArray())
                        Dim pdfImage As iText.Layout.Element.Image = New iText.Layout.Element.Image(imageData)
                    End Using
            End Using
        End Using
    End Using
End Sub

Private Sub Tabs_SaveButtonClickHandler(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    Dim screenshots As List(Of Image) = CaptureTabsScreenshots()
    Dim outputPath As String = "C:\Work\Form\output.pdf" ' Replace with your desired output path

    ' Add the screenshot of Form1 to the list
    screenshots.Insert(0, form1Screenshot)

    CreatePdfFromScreenshots(screenshots, outputPath)
    For i As Integer = 1 To screenshots.Count - 1
        Dim screenshot As Image = screenshots(i)
        Dim fileName As String = "C:\Work\Form\screenshot" & (i + 1).ToString() & ".jpg"
        screenshot.Save(fileName, Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)

    'MessageBox.Show("Screenshots saved as individual JPG files.")
    MessageBox.Show("Screenshots saved as PDF.")
End Sub
End Class

Public Class Tabs Public TabCtrl As New TabControl
Public Delegate Sub SaveButtonClickHandler(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Public Event SaveButtonClick As SaveButtonClickHandler

Private Sub SaveButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    RaiseEvent SaveButtonClick(Me, EventArgs.Empty)
End Sub

Private Sub Tabs_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

End Sub
End Class

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SFTP user login details real-time filtering

  • Amal P Ramesh
  • Main forum
  • Replies: 0
Amal P Ramesh Asks: SFTP user login details real-time filtering
I have enabled the SFTP login log into the default logfile /var/log/syslog and tried to filter the login time of each user and insert it into the database.

But the filtering is not worked as I expected.

Sample log file:

Jun 23 15:47:03 ip-172-16-0-62 systemd[24938]: Reached target Shutdown.
Jun 23 15:47:03 ip-172-16-0-62 systemd[24938]: Starting Exit the Session..c.
Jun 23 15:47:03 ip-172-16-0-62 systemd[24938]: Received SIGRTMIN+24 from PID 24980 (kill).
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Needs to filter user login messages, like:

Jun 23 15:47:13 ip-172-16-0-62 systemd[1]: Started Session 11907571 of user ftpuser1.

I need to grep it out by matching the string "Started Session 11907571 of user ftpuser1"

The session number 11907571 is a random number and usernames also differ so grepping can ignore the numbers and usernames, only need to check the string like: **"Started Session *** of user ***"

And need to parse the line and grep the date + time, and username then insert it into the MySQL database.

If there is any option to create a daemon process to run and insert the details into DB, it will help me to do the task.

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Picture of the error message

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Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: I fixed that by resetting Windows 10. No other solution worked for me.

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